Пирог "В путь-дорогу"

Cheese Cream

The SternTV telemarketer in Germany conducted and filmed an experiment "as a four-person family lived without sugar for a month." I thought the name was interesting, and that's why I looked at it for some reason. I was surprised to hear such a eclipse. There are parents, a teenage girl and a boy in ten years. Is that what you want to put on an uncharted diet? Why? And in the trailer, the creator was promised an experiment with some positive results. However, in the first hand, it became clear that it was not. It's different.

They decided to look at the store on product labels and not to buy or eat sugar. That is, the product is manufactured with sugar. There are still people for whom this is a remarkable discovery that sugar is added not only to the sweet breeze and barrage, but also to most beverages, and almost all the semi-fabricates, as well as to the sausage and cheese, and a lot more. I mean, the authors of the transmission declared a battle of industrial sugar.

No one counted calories, and the carbs, too, ate what they wanted and what they wanted. That is, for the first few weeks, they were friendly with macaroons and potatoes, and then found sausages and raw materials on the Internet that were produced without sugar. At the same time, everyone was checked before the experiment began, and the father of the family found extra weight and increased sugar. That's why he was still banned. And the kids ate the fruit they wanted.

See also:
  • Global Apostille take care of obtaining. Georgia apostille. New York apostille.
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