Осетинский пирог с яблоком

Ossetian Fish Recipe Pie

CHINVAL, May 23, Sputnik, Natalia Bosikova. Recently, there is an increasing number of companies in the Russian market offering Ossetian pies with a wide variety and sometimes exotic foes, which, despite the inconsistencies of the traditional receptor, continue to be called Ossetian pies.

Various Internet sites offer Ossetian pies to buyer with fish, strawberries and apples. And the Ossetian pie with the banana just hit the descendants of skiffs and alan.

The Moscow Bakery of Ospiroga is making Ossetian pies, as well as various snacks, desserts and other dishes. The company ' s Visit Card is Ossetian pies, as is the company name. The Spirogi workers combine Ossetian pie traditions and their own digs.

As they assured the Sputnik correspondent, they use natural products and cheese to make pies, which delivers directly to the capital from the Alpine North Ossetia grass.

In the menu, Ossetian pies are presented on the bakery site, both with traditional Ossetian cooking pies (miaso, cheese, cabbage, bever leaves) and original (liver, chicken, pecan cabbage, spinach, fruit). But one way or another, any of these pies on the website are signed as "Ossetian."


Ossetian pie with apple

According to the commissioner, the most popular among consumers is traditional meat pie (Fidjin).

"The most commonly, the buyers order cake with meat. Quite often, they ask for original mushroom pie, chicken and cheese, as well as chicken, bow and cheese pie, she said.

In addition, fruit pies, cherries and apples that are not different from meat pies, are also popular among buyers.

Pyrogi is the main dish of the traditional Ossetian cuisine, moreover, their preparation has a religious dimension, and it is therefore very important for Ossetian living both in Ossetia and beyond to preserve the original recipe for their preparation.

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